Not that I ever expect life to slow down, I don't, and honestly, I like it that way. I like knowing that there is always something that could be done or someone that I can help. Apparently, that little spirited idea led me to a church calling.
One week before Sean and I were married, we got to enjoy the annual Primary sacrament program. It was GREAT!!! The kids were priceless. My little Haley and her Sunbeam friends were too funny for words. My heart was so full as they belted out I Am A Child of God. The spirit was so strong it brought tears to my eyes. At the conclusion of the meeting my bishop asked to speak with me. I figured he just wanted to visit with me once more before the wedding...WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!! Nope, he had a new calling for me...Primary President. I laughed at him...openly laughed at him. I really thought he was kidding, but he just kept staring at me. Of course I accepted...then I spent the rest of the day crying. We've had a few hiccups along the way, but my counselors and I are finally getting the hang of things. I've barely even served in Primary, so to be President is a bit overwhelming. However, I'm really learning to love the kids, the teachers, and my counselors. I'm learning so much and my testimony of Primary is really being strengthened. Having never been a child in Primary, I'm at quite a disadvantage to just about everyone else, but hey, someone sees this as a good place for me, so learn and grow we will.
My classes this semester are...interesting to say the least. I'm not having as much fun this semester as I'd like, but at least I have a job.
Haley began dance classes in January. She's SOOOOOO cute!!! She amazes me!! She just jumps right in without so much as an afterthought of me. She's been measured for her costume for the summer recital, and I just can't wait. At night she likes to "practice" with me, so we practice our ballet, tap, and tumbling. It's so cute, I'm so glad I found something that is helping to build her confidence.
Haley getting measured for her recital costume
We also have a new member of our family. A puppy. Her name is Zoey, she's a black lab Australian sheppard mix. She's a great energetic match for Sam our Jack Russel. Together they are quite a pair. My biggest issue with Zoey is her constant desire to chew EVERYTHING including my SHOES!!! Sean and I have a new understanding since she was his idea...for every pair of shoes she chews I get a new pair :-) . So, her new name...Zoey BOGO Jenkins!
One last mom GRADUATED!!!! Yep, that's right, she's now officially received her AA as a Medical Billing and Coder. I'm so proud of her. It has been a true struggle and I'm so proud of how much she's grown through this experience.
Just some other random pictures from my camera...
Haley's Friends
Sean & I at Disneyland
My Wonderful Grandparents
photo by Haley
WOW! I love the post. Mandi can I say how amazed I am by you. You have had so many trials yet have stayed so faithful. You are an inspiration to us all. PRIMARY PRESIDENT!! That is AWESOME, I bet you are awesome at it. I am the 2nd counselor in our ward and I LOVE it!! Primary kids are hilarious:o) Congrats to your mom! Zoey will eventually stop chewing on EVERYTHING...we have two Labs and that is exactly how they were when we first got them. Your daughter is adorable! And you do have awesome grandparetns!!
ps sorry this is so long!
Congrats in your new calling!! I am not surprised at all. When I read it I just thought what a perfect calling for you. I know you are doing great. I am so happy for you. What a great example you are to everyone. I am also so happy for your mom. I know how proud you must be of her.
You look amazing! Happy! At peace.... Life is sweet.
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