Tuesday, July 14, 2009

May Update

It's really been some months since I've posted anything. I've had drafts started and thought many times of sitting down to write, but alas life has happened and I've been remiss. However, that's not to say I've been entirely lazy...so on with the updates...

What was May all about?

1. We signed on our "new to us" house in Peoria and began remodeling.

2. We distributed the 2009 yearbook.

3. The class of 2009 graduated.

4. We let the news out that we are EXPECTING!!!

The tale of the remodel...

I could write a book on this experience alone, however, I will spare you the details and simply include a slide show of some of the work. Somehow that word doesn't even begin to describe the extent of what we did with this house. From the very day we signed we began tearing the place apart and recreating it to be our own. It was a month of little sleep, lots of tears, endless amounts of frustration, and immeasurable growing experiences. Thanks to the help of many family members, the house now truly looks like a home. It's not quite complete, but it's clean, fresh, safe, and OURS! I'm ever so grateful to be rid of the circus striped wall paper, multi-colored walls, tweeker closet, and odd-so-odd kitchen. Once we can finally finish some of the smaller projects that are left and begin really decorating, I think we will really feel permanent here.

If you really want to test your relationship, try remodeling a house with someone. It takes communication issues to a whole new level...I can thankfully say I still love Sean, but I'm hoping to NEVER undertake such a considerable project like this again.

Pics to come...

The 2009 Yearbook

Each year I question whether or not to continue working on the yearbook. My mom tells me she laughs behind my back for even thinking of quiting considering how much it brings to my life each year and she's ever so right. I love this project, I love the challenge, I love the accomplishment, and I L-O-V-E the kids. Each year I wonder how I am ever going to get through another book, and each May when the books arrive and we crack open the first box, and then the first book, I cry. My tears were very different this year. It felt like the end of an era. Kids I had stalkingly tracked down for weeks to get to join were now graduating. They are for all intents and purposes adults. This staff of kids was special. I had them as not only staff members and editors, I had them as students, guests at my wedding, babysitters for Haley, and my friends. This was a staff of varied personalities to say the least. They were stubborn, thick headed, difficult, somewhat pessimistic, and knew how to ruffle mine and each others feathers. Yet, at the end of the day, these kiddos would do anything for each other and me.

The 2009 yearbook is beautiful. It is such an expression of the staff, the school, myself, the school, and even the community. I hope the class of 2009 is as proud of the finished product as I am of it and those who worked tirelessly to create it.

Graduation 2009

I was ready willing and running to the finish line this year! In the 5 years prior to this graduating class I had never struggled so much to get a group of students to graduation. I struggled to stay up with the grading. I struggled to stay motivated to teach. I struggled to even care by the end of the semester. In the end...I know I made a difference. I don't know that I taught or encouraged many of my students to love British literature, but I know that I instilled confidence in a few. I know that I showed a few that someone really does care about them and will hold them to a certain level of expectation. As much as I hated watching a few kids come down to the wire and wonder whether or not graduation would be a reality, I did love the relief and excitement on a few faces when they finally did what THEY needed to do in order to make graduation a reality.

Graduation came...I received my list of names to read and I read and reread and studied for the few hours I had prior to the ceremony. I ran around like a mad woman seeking kids who could tell me how to phonetically pronounce their name. I managed to pronounce one student with 10 Scandanavian names correctly. What a relief. I'm so glad I still have another year before I have to face graduation again.


Yep, that's right, before 2009 rolls out Sean, Haley, and I will welcome a new addition to our home. We are thrilled. We did a decent job of hiding the news until Mother's Day when we spilled the news to our families. By the end of the school year all of my students and teacher friends learned of the news as well. Yea for us! The nausea is driving me a little nuts, but at least I'm not tossing my cookies. I'm hoping that summer brings lots of opportunities for naps.