Wednesday, October 7, 2009
First School Picture
Friday, September 18, 2009
Introducing...Duke and Daisy
So...we've adopted 2 pure bred cocker spaniels. Sean's is a pure black male named Duke. Haley's is a rare blue roan partie female named Daisy. We adopted them from a breeder who allowed us to visit with them until they were old enough to come home. Duke was always the playful one, jumping around seeking attention, while Daisy was perfectly happy just to be held and snuggled. We have since brought them home...things have changed. They are just as adorable as ever, but Duke seems to be the gentle giant snuggler, and Daisy is the playful talker. Both are such a joy. They are truly puppies with all that that entails, but their dispositions are so sweet and loving.
The cats aren't quite sure how to take them. Sugar...well she just tries to ignore them. Simon on the other hand seems to think he needs to be a puppy too. He gets down on the tile and wrestles with them both.
This morning Daisy was extra chatty with me. She's so cute when she "talks," she stretches her neck out like a giraffe and goes to town. Duke just lets her talk and comes over for the inevitable ear scratch.
Here are the cuties!
Sean and Duke on the ride home.
Grandparent's Day

Haley's Photography
Friday, August 14, 2009
First Day of School, First Day of School
After a slow start of actually getting out of bed, she got on her outfit, pulled on her socks, let me fix her hair (with butterfly hair ties of course), and ate her breakfast...all without a fight. The excitement and anticipation flowed from every ounce of her little body. We grabbed her lunch from the fridge and I got to snap a couple of shots before we headed to school. Once we got here, she skipped to my classroom so I could drop off my bags and then skipped to her own little corner of Peoria High School. We walked in, I signed her in, and she was off (she almost forgot to even say goodbye). She sat down at a table with a couple of kids and started playing. I'm so proud of her. I honestly wasn't sure what to expect. My baby absolutely blew me away. It was encouraging and a little sad to see my baby walk so confidently and independently into a whole new world of experiences. She’s ready…I sure hope I am.
Attached are a few pictures I quickly snapped this morning…I’m sending my student spies around throughout the day to catch a few more ;-)
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
May Update
Monday, April 27, 2009
Happy Furry Friend
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
4 Year Old Grief
Monday, April 13, 2009
More from Dance World
Monday, April 6, 2009
Oi with the poodles already...
I like to think of it as organized chaos
Oh well...I'll just pack it up to take it home. That is after I hit the 99 cent store...the Easter aisle is calling...can't you hear it???
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Is she really only 4?!
Today has been almost non stop laughter from the time Haley woke up. The morning started with a discussion about what to wear. I was informed she could only be happy if she was wearing yellow, because yellow is the happiest color. We compromised....she got her yellow shirt and I got cute Capri's that matched the yellow shirt. On to hair... "Mom, I want my hair straight and down." "No Haley, you have to have at least one pony so your hair doesn't get in your face." "Ugh, Mom!" "Haley, one or two piggies!?" "FINE! 2...but they have to be high and they have to be yellow to match my shirt." "Works for me Chicky-d." I'll let you decide what the D is for. :-)
After school we went by the new house to measure windows. While we waited for the windows to be measured we cleaned the bathroom counters together. Haley decided the mirrors needed cleaned too. I didn't have Windex, but I decided that regardless of how messy she made them, at least they would be dust free. It was about time to go so I told her we needed to wrap it up and I started to help her wipe down the mirrors. Haley's response, "Mom this is my job...nobody cleans mirrors like me!" True that--how do you argue with that kind of logic? hahahaha
Next stop...Costco. "Mom, I'm absolutely starving, my tummy is rumbling, I really need some pizza" "After shopping we can have pizza." "Ok, but we have to hurry, and we have to have ice cream after pizza, or it just won't be fun." "Ok Haley, we'll see." Shopping went well. My students should be happier with me tomorrow when the Pop Tart and chip supply is back in full swing. This is where things got REALLY entertaining. After shopping, Haley said, "Mom, can we may we please have pepperoni pizza." "Yes, do you want cheese or pepperoni pizza?" "I want pepperoni with cheese pizza, I want pepperoni with cheese pizza!" "Ok, are you sure you want pepperoni?" "Yes." DONE! 2 slices of pepperoni pizza and two drinks. The second we get to the table..."Pepperoni!? Mom, you RUINED my life!? I can't have PEPPERONI!" In my head..."are you freaking kidding me?" Out loud, "Haley, you said this is what you wanted. Eat." "But mom, you ruined my life." I wanted to bust out laughing, but instead just ate my pizza while she sat next to me with her back turned towards me and her arms folded across her chest. Of course she got over herself and ate her pizza. Final words before getting back in the cart..."I don't get ice cream cuz I threw a fit, huh, mom?" "You are correct, but if you are good on the way home, maybe you can have some at home." "That's a good deal." ME OH MY!
After cleaning up the house, taking a bath and eating ice cream, I sent her in to brush her teeth while I vacuumed. While I was getting the vacuum ready, I asked her if she had gotten her bed ready for tuck in...she told me's what I found..
Looks to me like she's tucked in her bed...blankie and all! :-)
Then I told her it would time to hop in bed just as soon as I finished vacuuming her room. Her response, "Mom if there's anything left on the floor, just pick it up." "Haley, I thought that was your job?" "Nope mom, it's yours. Don't vacuum up any of my stuff, k." SERIOUSLY?! If I hadn't already laughed at her so much today I would have had other words...instead I just vacuumed.
But, as sassy pants as she can be, her sweet little spirit showed up again when we sat down for bed time prayer and she earnestly asked me to pray for her friend Kennedy that her knee would feel better and be able to sleep.