Monday, October 20, 2008


Maybe it's wedding planning, maybe it's PMS, maybe it's just stress...regardless...I'm ready to cry "UNCLE" and quit.

The wedding is running...kinda. It's a lot harder to plan this thing than I thought it was going to be. Not being able to plan for a guaranteed date is definitely putting a damper on things. The paperwork for the temple divorce is in, and well let's be honest here, it's a pretty cut and dry situation given the situation and facts. It's just a matter of the paperwork getting through committee and returned, but without the official return and "ok" we can't get least not in the temple, and for me...I just wouldn't feel right getting married civilly when it's really not necessary. The pressure for some to "just get married" is pretty strong, but in my heart of hearts, I know the temple is where we need to be.

Last week, after hearing of some people from high school that had passed away unexpectedly, my uncle too unexpectedly passed away. My sweet grandparents returned from an 18 day cruise in South America (which was not great) and on their first official day home, they received a call from Scottsdale Police that my uncle was found dead in his house. Our relationship with him has been far from smooth, but none the less he was family. Friday we gained access to his house and began going through his things. There were too many emotions to relate...everything from sorrow, disgust, anger, frustration, suprise...

To top off the Friday, my mom called to tell me that my bird had died. He was a PITA of a bird, but again a member of the family. He truly had personality, and his most recent owner was my 11 year old brother. I felt so bad that he was the one to find him dead. Farewell to my Larry Bird.

The weekend was pretty good. Saturday I covered Saturday School...only 7 off the assigned 13 showed up. One kid kept asking to leave early...seriously got in trouble and if I have to be here the full time, so do you. Saturday afternoon I got some good shopping done and ordered cake...have I ever mentioned I LOVE CAKE. Seriously, the best part of the wedding has been the excuse to taste various cake :-)

Sunday... I took the day off. I locked myself in my room and had a LOVELY mental health day. It was truly great. I watched Gilmore Girls and slept off and on most of the day. I needed it. I finally felt rested and my head didn't feel like it would explode.

Then there's today...Monday. What a MONDAY it has been. Monday should be classified with those other "4-letter-words". I started the morning fighting with Haley at 5:45 about getting up and getting dressed. She wouldn't get up so I picked out her outfit which of course was WRONG. Why I didn't pick something yellow to begin with I don't know. The staff meeting went well...too many kiddos were late, but as long as they show up and sign up for assignments, I don't really care. The day just got worse from there. During my yearbook class I discovered that $300 was stolen from an envelope in my desk. The money was for tshirts for my staff. I'm so angry... Then at the end of the hour I left the room to make a quick copy and on my way back to class I walked outside to the stairs into a cloud of marijuana smoke. GROSS!!!! I tore off after the group of 3 boys who ran from the scene. I'm chasing after them screaming for them to stop, for someone to call security, and for direction on which direction the boys ran. They were stupid enough to run into a classroom where I caught at least 2 of them. I was then promptly cussed out (lovely lovely F-bomb) and threatened. (Seriously...did I really get a Master's degree for this). At the end of each day we get a discipline kid got one day of on campus suspension and from the looks of it the kid that cussed me out and threatened me got NOTHING! Another teacher heard me running down the halls and came after me. The same kid full on body checked him...and again...from the looks of things, the kid got NO CONSEQUENCE. GRRRRR

To top it all off...I was dressed as a pirate...Happy Homecoming Week....
Here are some pictures from recent events.
Here Sean and I are at my friend Rachel's wedding a few weeks ago.

Our most recent Costco trip...can I pack it all in or what? hahahaha

Here are a couple of our engagement pictures.

My life...full fun's the word.